January 17, 2012
January 6, 2012
New Facebook Attack – Act Now to Protect Your Enterprise
By Jim Lundy Enterprises that allow their users to access Facebook via their work PC are now vulnerable, given the huge Ramnit attack that just took place. Enterprises in the UK should be worried, but no one is immune fMy Lunch with Jacob Morgan
Yesterday, I had lunch with someone who I predict is on a fast track to becoming a rock star analyst. His name was Jacob Morgan of Chess Media Group. We had met on Twitter a while back and had agreed that it would be great
January 4, 2012
Spigit’s FaceOff Makes Crowdsourcing of Ideas Easy
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topic: Social Software Issue: How will Social Software technologies evolve? Summary: Spigit is launching a new ideation application called Face
January 1, 2012
Telligent Buys Leverage To Speed Its Cloud And Mobile Future
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Mike Anderson Topics: Social Software Issue: How will Social Software technologies evolve? Summary: Telligent acquired Leverage Software, and has accel
December 27, 2011
Printer Ink and Toner Costs Can Impact your Bottomline: Who Cares?
It is a fact that some of the ink you put in an inkjet printer at your office costs more than perfume. More importantly, managing your output fleet can impact your enterprises bottom-line. Who cares? The CIO and his or her
December 21, 2011
Salesforce buys Rypple, Signals Move into HCM
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topics: Knowledge Issue: How will enterprises acquire and distribute knowledge? Summary: On December 15th, Salesforce announced that it was buyinSAP Goes Cloud: Buys SuccessFactors for $3.4 Billion
view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topics: Knowledge Issue: How will enterprises acquire and distribute knowledge? Summary: On December 3rd, SAP announced that it was purchasing SucceHP Committed to Tablets, Not So Much to webOS
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Mike Anderson Topics: Mobile Issue: What are the trends impacting mobile computing? Summary: In just under four months since HP’s announced disc
December 19, 2011
Stars Aligning for Tablet Turmoil in 2012
By Mike Anderson 2012 is shaping up to be an exciting year for tablets and the mobile industry overall. The battle, through 2011, has been won, and Apple has taken the prize. With a new leader at Apple, expectations con
December 15, 2011
Salesforce Move will Trigger HCM Merger Wars
By Jim Lundy Salesforce announced today that it is buying Rypple, a Social Performance startup with offices in Canada and San Francisco. Aragon Research will be publishing a full First Cut on this move tomorrow. The ma
December 14, 2011
Jive’s IPO: Social isn’t a Fad Anymore
By Jim Lundy Jive Software went public today and it is a significant milestone for them and for the Enterprise Social Software market. To see how far things have come, all one needs to do is look back two years ago to 200
December 13, 2011
The Tablet Era is Here
By Jim Lundy I've been covering Tablets since before the iPad came out. In fact, I wrote about future eBooks and Digital Paper way back in 2000, seven years before they actually appeared. When it launched last year (no
December 8, 2011
The Aragon Globe – Responding to Market Needs
By Jim Lundy In my time at my former firm (Gartner), I initiated and delivered numerous Magic Quadrants over the years. There is both an art and a science to delivering a market evaluation and it starts with defining an
December 5, 2011
Responding to the Tablet Invasion of Your Workplace
By Mike Anderson I have been involved in the technologies and strategies in the workplace for many years. The changes with us today are more diverse, challenging and exciting than I’ve seen before. We’ve approach
December 4, 2011
Transferring our Blog
Starting today, our Blog is being transferred to our main website. This now puts our premium research, our first cuts and our blog at one site.
December 3, 2011
Tech Titan SAP buys SuccessFactors for $3.4 Billion
Announced on a Saturday, this deal signifies that the Tech Titans may be loosening their purse strings to make acquisitions that help them with long term growth (see a related Aragon Research First Cut on SuccessFac
November 17, 2011
Cisco Gets Serious about Collaboration
To view a PDF of this First Cut, click here. Author: Jim Lundy Topics: Collaboration, Social Software Issues: Who are the collaboration providers and how will they evolve? How will Social Software tech
November 9, 2011