What Are Content Experience Platforms?

Content experience platforms are the next generation offering to address the age-old enterprise need for creating and delivering dynamic experiences to users on any device. Historically, this need has been met by web content management systems (WCM), which have undergone numerous transformations as they have evolved to address the shifting needs of the modern enterprise content pipeline, which needs to move beyond the static website model of the past.

What is Digital Experience Analytics?

Today, Digital Experience analytics is about the ability to measure and understand the way that people and machines interact with applications, and, in particular, web experiences. The analytics offerings of the past were focused on basic insights into pageviews, clickthrough rates, and other surface-level metrics that give a basic impression of digital engagement. They also helped to identify gaps in journeys where the expected action by a user did not occur due to a variety of reasons. While these metrics are invaluable numbers to have, they often only provide a top-down perspective on the website as a whole, rather than an understanding of what the customer is doing and thinking.

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What are Key Benefits of Content Experience Platforms?

Content experience platforms don’t just solve the same problems as yesterday’s CMS. They are instead designed to drive return on investments by prioritizing user experience. Content experience platforms allow streamlined content authoring and publishing workflows, emphasizing omnichannel content delivery, integrations driven by APIs, scalability, and quick deployment through low-code solutions. New platforms are built to accelerate enterprise go-to-market viability by cutting out the content management busywork that holds back product deployment.

Recent Research


The Aragon Research Globe™ for Content Experience Platforms, 2023

Aragon Research releases its second Aragon Research Globe™ for content experience platforms. This Globe for CXP examines 17 providers and is about shifting web experiences to intelligent dynamic journeys that increasingly will even more personalized with Generative AI search and chat.

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The Rise of Content Experience Platforms–And Why Your Website and Digital Experience Will Never Be the Same

Aragon has defined the content experience platforms (CXP) market. CXPs are the new way forward to offer users a more dynamic and personalized way to interact not just with websites, but with any digital touchpoint. This market is poised to revolutionize how enterprises market to buyers.

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The Aragon Research Globe for Digital Experience Analytics, 2024

Aragon Research releases its first Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Experience Analytics. This Globe examines 11 providers and is about enabling enterprises to monitor their engagement to streamline the customer journey.

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To view all of our research on the cloud visit our Content Experience Platforms Index >

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Why Content Experience Platforms Are A Game Changer for Industries Like Retail

With: CEO and Lead Analyst Jim Lundy

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Content Experience Platforms EbookCreating and Delivering Dynamic Experiences on Any Device

Learn more about content experience platforms in this free ebook:


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