What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

AI is a discipline that attempts to create systems capable of thought or behavior based on natural processes. These natural processes include vision, language processing, reasoning, and learning. AI applies research from computer science, psychology, mathematics, linguistics, and neuroscience to develop problem-solving applications that supplant or augment human intellectual performance.

Modern AI technologies include machine learning, natural language interfaces, and a variety of technologies to support evidence-based decision-making. Supported by large data sets and modern distributed computing platforms, this stack provides the essential tools to enable today’s intelligent enterprise.

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Building Your AI Roadmap

Because AI makes resources smarter, enterprises that leverage it sooner than their competitors will have a strategic advantage. Business planners need to:

  • Ask their providers if they have a roadmap for AI. If your providers are not planning on developing or acquiring AI applications and technologies, begin to evaluate alternative providers.
  • Understand user needs and the potential impact of emerging AI and machine learning technologies and applications. Allocation of AI investments should be first applied to areas that stand to have the biggest impact on business.

Get started with your AI roadmap by downloading your complimentary eBook.


How to Plan for Artificial Intelligence

Recent Research


What is Generative Content?

This Research Note defines generative content and provides advice to business leaders for understanding this new technology category.

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Five Key Trends in Computer Vision

This Research Note explains what computer vision is and reviews five trends that are defining the market.

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Hot Vendors in Computer Vision, 2021

Aragon has identified 5 vendors in computer vision that are making a difference in the market.

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The Aragon Research Globe for Conversational AI, 2021

Aragon’s first Aragon Research Globe™ for Conversational AI examines 22 major providers in a market category that is growing at a very fast rate.

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To view all of our research on artificial intelligence visit our Artificial Intelligence Research Index >

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